Students and Parents/Guardians should register and direct sponsors to website: Walk/Run Registration: Click REGISTER Our event is a Hit the Snooze and there is a $20 registration fee. By registering for the Snooze event, you will get a t-shirt and participate in our school’s Color Run, to be held here on Friday, February 7! Be sure to pick our school on the drop down menu. Click Add Another if more than one person. Fill out payment and click REGISTER. Then, get sponsors.
Once registered, walkers/runners will direct sponsors to same website’s “Donate” button. After that select “Team Fundraising, “Our Lady of Lourdes School” in the “In support of…” select “Other” and enter the person's name who is being supported by the donation. Click on emblem, fill out form and make a donation.
Our Color Run is held on school grounds and is part of the Steps4Students. What is the COLOR RUN?? Students/participants will run through bursts of colorful holi powder to celebrate successful steps during this run/walk. By the end, they are very colorful!
If interested, there is also the option to run/walk at the Houston event on Sat., Feb. 8, which would require a separate registration.