Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School invites you to an evening of entertainment, dining and dancing at our Mardi Gras Annual Gala. We joyfully look forward to celebrating another remarkable year and want to invite you to make a difference in the lives of our students by participating in our Annual Appeal. This exciting event is will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2025 at Madonna Hall from 6:00-9:00 pm.
Leave a permanent message remembering a loved one or recognize your group or family’s support of Catholic education and our Catholic School. The recently remodeled school front office has space available for more “Donor” bricks.
Whole Brick $1,000 --- Half Brick $500
A Whole Brick has up to four lines with 20 characters on each line.
A Half Brick has up to four lines with 10 characters on each line.
The full brick size is 16” wide and 8” tall. Potential donors may visit the school front office to see the wall with its current bricks. The brick(s) sold from this order will be placed on blank wall areas located on either side of the large logo.
BY JANUARY 31, 2025
Become a Volunteer Coach!! We are excited for the 2024-25 school year and making plans! As our school grows, we will be developing groups and teams, like T-Ball, track, soccer, girl’s volleyball and boy’s basketball. We are looking for volunteer coaches to assist Coach Hart. This is a great way to help our students and earn volunteer hours! Contact Mrs. Morales to discuss your interest.
We are accepting new student applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Current students will re-enroll using their current FACTS family portal account. Please contact the school office if you are a current student’s family and have not received the re-enrollment email with your family’s unique link to the website.